Specialty Services
Clean Room Installation and Medical Gas Systems
Clean Room Installation​
What is a CLEAN ROOM?
A work area in which the air quality, temperature and humidity are highly regulated in order to protect sensitive equipment from contamination. The air in a CLEAN ROOM is repeatedly filtered to remove dust particles and other impurities that can damage the production of highly sensitive technologies.
The measure of the air quality of a CLEAN ROOM is described in Federal Standard 209. Clean rooms are rated as “Class 10,000,” where there exists no more than 10,000 particles larger than 0.5 microns in any given cubic foot of air; “Class 1000,” where there exists no more than 1000 particles; and “Class 100,” where there exists no more than 100 particles. Hard disk drive fabrication requires a Class 100 clean room.
People who work in clean rooms must wear special protective clothing that do not give off lint particles and prevent human skin and hair particles from entering the room’s atmosphere.
MJ Mechanical Services is prepared to meet all of your CLEAN ROOM requirements. We offer custom processed-based solutions using high-quality, standard components. The only way to control contamination is to control the total environment. Air flow rates and direction, pressurization, temperature, humidity and specialized filtration all need to be tightly controlled. And the sources of these particles need to controlled or eliminated whenever possible. There is more to a clean room than air filters. Clean rooms are planned and manufactured using strict protocol and methods. Our turnkey design, construction and support services meet all of the specific needs of your clean room.
MJ Mechanical specializes in clean rooms custom-built to your specifications. We can integrate a clean room into your existing or new location. We have the ability to install ventilation systems to pharmaceutical clean rooms that require closed circulation ventilation as well as clean rooms that meet military, semiconductor, JEST, FDA and ISPE standards.
MJ will guarantee that the clean room climate is up to your specifications by installing custom-built HVAC equipment to match your heating & cooling loads and a computerized control system.
Whether retrofitting an existing clean room, or installing something new, we can design the right system for you.
Clean Room Experts!
We have profound knowledge and expertise in offering an outstanding assortment of Clean Room solutions including different HVAC systems.
The company specializes in mechanical/HVAC, ductwork, piping, insulation and controls.
Evaluation, Design, Upgrade
For specific projects or evaluation, design and/or upgrades of existing design can be provided on a contract basis direct to the customer.
Install, Repair, Replace
Besides design services, MJ can manufacture and supply all components for the complete turn-key clean room or upgrade modifications.
Medical Gas Systems
Installing Confidence
The Installers Certification is one of the levels which have been developed to serve the needs of medical gas system installers. This examination is intended to determine the applicants’ knowledge of medical gas systems and applicable portions of NFPA 99 (2005 Edition).
It is anticipated that facility owners, architects and engineers will soon require this certification as a minimum medical gas installer qualification. This Installer Certification will signify that the cardholder has an acceptable knowledge of medical gas code requirements, as well as knowledge of medical gas piping systems, medical gas components, and other associated appurtenances.
Through our strategic alliance with several premier Medical Gas System manufacturers, M.J. Mechanical Services is able to provide cost effective comprehensive solutions to ALL your medical gas system needs.
Such services include:
Hospital System Surveys
System Mapping
Design and Specifications
Equipment Sales?All NFPA-compliant materials
Custom Fabrication
Installated by ASSE#6010-Qualified technicians
Service and Training
Installation – to meet NFPA 99C 2005 codes
Experience you can trust
At MJ Mechanical we deal with a number of premier medical gas system equipment manufacturers:
Beacon Medaes
Mercury Medical Products
Lifespan Healthcare
Precision Medical Products
Tech Medical
Call MJ Mechanical for a Medical Gas Systems representative.